Select Africa Convenient


Top Up telephonically from the comfort of your home.


No additional paperwork.

Ease of Access

Funds are disbursed within 24 hours.

AS A Civil servant YOU can now conveniently top up your Flexi Loan anytime, anywhere


Malawi USSD FAQs

Do I qualify for a top up?
Yes, you may qualify for a top-up, if you have an existing Flexi Loan Facility with Select.
No, if you do not have an existing Flexi Loan Facility with Select. You can WhatsApp “Flexi Loan Facility” to 088 738 6343.
Can the funds be paid into a different account?
No, the funds can only be paid into the account on record (as per your initial onboarding).
Can I change my personal details?
No, you cannot change any of your personal details. If you need to update your employer or personal details, please visit your nearest branch, or send a WhatsApp to 088 738 6343 and we’ll be in touch.
Can I change my payment terms?
No, you cannot change the instalment of the preceding deal. If you wish to increase/decrease your instalment, please visit your nearest branch, or send a WhatsApp to 088 738 6343 and we’ll be in touch.
How soon can I receive the funds?
You can receive the funds within 24 hours provided all the requirements and conditions have been met.
Can I review the offer before making a decision?
Yes, you will be able to review the offer on USSD; including the loan amount, the amount paid to you, the instalment, the cost of credit, the loan term, the total amount due and the account to which the funds will be paid.
You can choose to decline the offer at any time, provided you have not submitted the one-time password (OTP). A cooling period of 10 days applies, meaning you can cancel your loan within 10 days of signing your contract.
Is the USSD service safe?
Yes, Select has several automated checks as mentioned above in place to confirm that your details are correct and are protected at all times. Additionally, Select will keep you informed via SMS throughout the processing of your application. Your funds will be paid into the original bank account on record and cannot be changed during the top-up process, therefore no one can apply on your behalf.
Kodi ndine ololezedwa kutenga ngongole yowonjezera?
Inde ndizotheka ngati muli kale ndi ngongole ndi a Select Financial Services.
Ayi, ndizosatheka ngati mulibe ngongole iliyonse ndi a Select. Mukhoza kutumiza uthenga uwu pa WhatsApp “Flexi Loan Facility” ku 088 738 6343 kuti mudziwe zambiri.
Kodi ngongole yanga zingatheke kuti ilowe ku akauti kwina osati yakale ija?
Ayi sizingatheke, ngongole imalowa ku akauti yomwe ilipo kale mu ma buku athu.
Kodi nditha kusintha kalondolondo okhuzana ndi ineyo?
Kuti musinthe kalondolondo wanu wonkhudzana ndi ku ntchito, ku banki, kapena okhudzana ndi inuyo, pitani ku ofesi ya Select imene muli nayo pafupi. Mutha kuyimbaso foni pa 0887386343/4/5 ngati muli kutali ndipo muzathandizidwa moyenerera.
Kodi nditha kusintha nthawi/ zaka zoti ndibwezere ngongole yanga?
Ayi, simungathe kusintha mulingo odulidwa wa ngongole yanu. Koma ngati mukufuna kusintha thawi yobwezera ngongole, kapena mulingo odulidwa, pitani ku ofesi yanthu imene muli nayo pafupi kapena imbani 0887386343/4/5 muzathandizidwa moyenera.
Kodi pamatenga thawi yayitali bwanji kuti ndilandile ndalama?
Ndalama zimatenga maola makumi awiri ndi mphambu zinayi ngati palibe zovuta zilizonse.
Kodi ndizotheka kuwunikila ndondomeko yonse ya ngongole ndisanapange chiganizo?
Eya, ndizotheka kuwunikila zonse zokhudzana ndi ndondomeko yanu ya ngongole kudzela pa foni yanu; Mwazinthu zina zomwe mutha kuwona ndi ndalama yonse yomwe mukhoza kukwanilitsa
Kutenga, ndalama yomwe ikhoza kukalowa ku akauti yanu, mulingo wanu odulidwa pa mwezi, chiwongola dzanja, miyezi yomwe mudzadulidwe, ndalama yonse yomwe mudzabweze pamapeto pa
Ngongole, ndi akauti yomwe ndalama zidzatumizilidwe.

Mukhoza kusankha kukana ngongole thawi iliyonse pomwe mukupanga za dongosolori, musanapeleke nambala yanu ya chinsinsi (OTP). Komanso mumapatsidwa masiku khumi mukavomeleza ngongole, ngati mukufuna kusintha maganizo.

Kodi kupanga ndekha ngongole pa lamya nkotetezedwa?
Inde ndinu otetezedwa. A Select alindinjira zingapo zomwe amagwiritsa ntchito, zomwe munthu amayenela kukwanilitsa kuti atenga ngongole. Mongowonjezela, a Select adzakhala akukudziwitsani mmene ndondomeko yanu yosaka ngongole ikuyendela kudzela ku lamya yanu mpaka dongosolori litatha. Ndalama zimalowa ku banki yomwe munalembetsa pathawi yomwe mumatenga ngongole yanu yoyamba, ndipo sizitheka kusintha ndondomeko yanu yaku banki mukamagwiritsa njira imeneyi powonjezera ndalama. Chonchi, palibe angakubeleni.


Mzuzu Branch
088 738 6343

Blantyre Branch
0887 386 344

Lilongwe Branch
0887 386 345


Let one of our consultants help you get the best loan offer.
Call or WhatsApp us on 088 738 6343/4/5

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and one of our Agents will reach out to you shortly