Select one of the product names on the left to view the description on the right.
Debit Order Loan
Quick payouts: Funds are available within 1 hour.
Flexible: You can get up to 4 additional reloans without having to reapply (Your Emergency Facility Loan is approved for a period of 5 months).
Convenient: Reloans can be done telephonically – no need to visit a branch.
Discounted: Each consecutive reloan has a lower interest rate; therefore, your repayment becomes less on each cycle.
Debit Order Loan (Short-Term)
Quick payouts: Funds are available within 24 hours.
Quick repayments: A smaller loan amount means your payback term is shorter and you pay less interest over shorter terms.
Easy access: Funds are easily accessible.
Enquiry form
In 2013, Select re-established its presence in Lesotho. Lesana Financial Services was established. Initially, the target market in Lesotho only included salaried employees who meet Lesana’s stringent loan approval criteria, thereby ensuring a responsible minimum level of take-home pay. However, Lesana has expanded its client base by offering products suited for private-sector employees.
Lesana Short-Term Loan
The Lesana Short-Term Loan is a personal loan available to private-sector clients, offering amounts of up to M20,000 with a repayment period of up to 24 months.
Lesana Emergency Facility Loan
Maseru BranchPhysical Address: Telephone Number: | Leribe BranchRegional Manager: Tumo Nkhasi Physical Address: Telephone Number: | |
Butha Buthe BranchPhysical Address: | Mokhotlong SatellitePhysical Address: Salang Complex, Main st, | Thaba-Tseka SatellitePhysical Address: |
Mafeteng BranchPhysical Address: Telephone Number: | Mohale's Hoek SatellitePhysical Address: Ralebese Building, Mofolo Street, | Quthing BranchPhysical Address: Telephone Number: |
Qacha's Nek BranchPhysical Address: Mpa Tsehla Complex, Qacha's Nek Telephone Number: |

Sales Agents
Introduce prospective Clients and assist them to apply and subscribe to Lesana Products strictly in compliance with Lesana’s Operational Procedures as may be amended from time to time.